The American Embassy ~ official site from FOX.com
Shannon's American Embassy Site
Dear Jules
Save The American Embassy Petition ~ a petition created so that those who wished The American Embassy wasn't cancelled could voice their opinion
The Fans' Page To Save The American Embassy ~ a wonderful site brought to you by the creator of the petition above.
Save The American Embassy Petition (2) ~ another petition created for the fans of The American Embassy to voice how they feel about its cancellation after four excellent episodes
Amazing-journey.com ~ the official site for Michael Cerveris, the man who played Emma's cross-dresser friend and neighbor Gary Forbush
Yahoo! Group savingae ~ a place where fans of The American Embassy can come together and discuss their love of the show. To become a member, send a blank email to savingae-subscribe@yahoogroups.com {This is the AE-related Yahoo! Group that has the most members}
Yahoo! Group arijabareikis ~ a place where fans of Arija Bareikis can come together and discuss this common love. To become a member, send a blank email to arijabareikis-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Yahoo! Group dceb ~ a place where fans of David Cubitt (the man who played Doug Roach on The American Embassy) can come together and discuss this common love. To become a member, send a blank email to dceb-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Yahoo! Group leewilliams ~ a place where fans of the underrated actor Lee Williams (the man who played Drew Barkley on The American Embassy) can come together and discuss this common love. To become a member, send a blank email to leewilliams-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Yahoo! Group americanembassy ~ a place where fans of the show can come together and share their love. To become a member, send a blank email to americanembassy-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Yahoo! Group TV_AmericanEmbassy ~ another place where fans of the show can come together and share their love. To become a member, send a blank email to TV_AmericanEmbassy-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Yahoo! Group EmmaBrody ~ yet another place where fans of the show can come together and share their love. To become a member, send a blank email to emmabrody-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Yahoo! Group EmmaDoug ~ a place where fans of the pairing of Emma Brody and Doug Roach can come together and share their love. To become a member, send a blank email to emmadoug-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Yahoo! Group American_Embassy_RPG ~ a place where fans of the show can come together and play a role playing game based on the show. To become a member, send a blank email to american_embassy_RPG-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Yahoo! Group AmericanEQT ~ a fourth place where fans of the show can come together and share their love. To become a member, send a blank email to americaneqt-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Yahoo! Group ~ a place where fans of the show can come together and share their fan fic based on the characters of the show. To become a member, send a blank email to americanembassyfic-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Arija Bareikis Online - a fan site about the star of The American Embassy, Arija Bareikis.
David Cubitt on American Embassy - a fan site about David Cubitt. This links to the AE section of the site. Includes photos of Mr. Cubitt and some video clips.
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